Text to 911 Service
Massachusetts now has Text to 911 ability as part of its Enhanced 911 service. To use it, send a text to 911 with complete information for first responders (including address/location and description of the emergency). Text-9-1-1 should be used only when it's impossible to make a voice call. For complete information, see www.mass.gov/info-details/text-to-911-public-information.
Drug Arrest in Winchendon

On October 2, 2019 at approximately 7:30 p.m. Winchendon Police and the North Worcester County Drug Task Force executed a search warrant for drugs at 22 Prospect Street, first floor, Winchendon. During the search Detectives found 9 grams of a substance believed to be crack cocaine in the possession of resident Lawrence Calafell (46 yrs old). Also found during a search of the home were multiple digital scales, packaging materials, and approximately six thousand dollars in U.S. currency.
Mr. Calafell was arrested and is charged with possession with intent to distribute a class B drug and possession of a class B drug, subsequent offense. Mr. Calafell was held overnight on $10,000 cash bail. He was arraigned in Winchendon District Court on Thursday October 3rd. This is the second time Mr. Calafell has been arrested in Winchendon for a drug distribution offense.
The case Officer is Winchendon Detective Alan Ross.
R.A.D. Women's Self Defense class offered by Winchendon P.D. in November
The Winchendon Police Department will be offering a RAD (rape aggression defense) class starting in November. Free to all women.
No prior experience is needed as we will teach basic skills that can be applied by everyone.
Class size is limited to 20 so sign up early with a dispatcher at the Winchendon Police Department.
Dates: November 11, 13, 18 and 20
Time: 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Location: The first class will be held at the Winchendon Police Department in the training room. The remaining classes will be held at the Memorial School in the gym.
Attendance to all four classes is required for successful completion. Age requirement is 14 years old accompanied by an adult/guardian with a signed permission slip.
Any questions can be directed to:
Officer Tracy Flagg Tflagg@townofwinchendon.com
Officer Jim Wironen Jwironen@townofwinchendon.com
Vote for K9 Clyde!
Voting starts on October 23, 2019 for the Aftermath Cares K9 grant. This is a national K9 grant where the winning teams can receive a grant to be used for things such as equipment, healthcare and training seminars. Get your friends and family to vote daily as there are many teams who are eligible!
Votes can be entered once every 24 hours starting October 23, 2019 on their website:
and once daily on Instagram @aftermathk9grant
Follow K9 Clyde on Instagram: @k9clydewpd
Be sure to see Clyde's demonstrations at the Winchendon Fall Festival on October 12!
Winchendon Police Blotter
Editor’s Note: The information contained in this police log was obtained through public documents kept by the police department, and is considered to be the account of the police. All subjects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Police agencies can no longer print the names of people who are arrested or charged with domestic assault related charges. The new law is designed to protect victims, so they are not re-victimized through indirect identification.
12:40 a.m.: animal complaint (Central Street), unable to locate;
12:57-2:02 a.m.: extra patrols, all secure;
1:48-2:32 a.m.: building checks, all secure;
5:57 a.m.: 911, accident (Baldwinville Road), referred to other agency;
6:58 a.m.: 911, ambulance needed (Bemis Road), removed to hospital;
7:13 a.m.: investigation (Lincoln Avenue Extension), services rendered;
7:25 a.m.: walk-in, info/general (Alger Street), referred to other agency;
7:30 a.m.: DPW call/general (Mill Street), referred to DPW;
8:07 a.m.: 911, ambulance needed (Goodrich Drive), removed to hospital;
8:09 a.m.: investigation (River Street), spoken to;
9:09 a.m.: fire department call/general (Prospect Street), spoken to;
10:03 a.m. 911, fire department call/general (Murdock Avenue), services rendered;
10:33 a.m.: illegal dumping (Oak Street), spoken to;
10:52 a.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), traffic citation issued;
11:01 a.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), verbal warning;
11:33 a.m.: info/general (Vaine Street), spoken to;
12:13 a.m.: accident (School Street @ Robbins Road), removed to hospital;
1:22 p.m.: walk-in, harassment (Elmwood Road), report taken;
2:15 p.m.: animal complaint (North Royalston Road), referred to ACO;
3:21 p.m.: investigation (Pearl Drive), spoken to;
3:59 p.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), written warning;
4:09 p.m.: walk-in, suspicious (other) (River Street), gone on arrival;
4:47 p.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), written warning;
5:25 p.m.: investigation (Alger Street), info taken;
6:34 p.m.: intoxicated person (Brown Street), unable to locate;
6:42 p.m.: noise complaint (Beech Street), spoken to;
7:24 p.m.: harassment (Willoughby Avenue), report taken;
7:25 p.m.: walk-in, tree down (Hyde Street), referred to DPW;
8:01 p.m.: arrest (Prospect Street), arrested;
11:03 p.m. disturbance/group (Ready Drive), spoken to;
Lawrence Calafell, age 46, 22 Prospect St. Apt. #1, Winchendon, MA charged with possession with intent to distribute class B controlled substance, possession of class B substance (subsq. off.)
12:01 a.m.: walk-in, assist other agency (Prospect Street), assisted;
1:10 a.m.: walk-in, harassment (Hyde Park Drive), report taken;
1:31-2:32 a.m.: building checks, all secure;
6:38 a.m.: gunshots heard (Town Farm Road), unfounded;
7:21 a.m.: harassment (Mechanic Street), report taken;
7:47 a.m.: 911, accident (Ash Street), report taken;
9:02 a.m.: 911, ambulance needed (Pearl Drive), removed to hospital;
9:06 a.m.: walk-in, threats (Alger Street), referred to other agency;
9:17 a.m.: property lost (Gardner Road), info taken;
10:10 a.m.: walk-in, sex offender registration (Murdock Avenue), assisted;
10:25 a.m.: 911, ambulance needed (Spruce Street), removed to hospital;
10:25 a.m.: info/general (Mechanic Street), spoken to;
10:38 a.m.: investigation (Spring Street), spoken to;
10:53 a.m.: investigation (Brooks Road), spoken to;
1:17 p.m.: assist citizen (Beech Street), spoken to;
1:48 p.m.: MV stop (School Street @ Pearl Street), verbal warning;
2:40 p.m.: 911, ambulance needed (Mechanic Street), no fire service necessary;
4:27 p.m.: Officer requested (Beech Street), spoken to;
4:41 p.m.: MV stop (River Street), verbal warning;
5:38 p.m.: MV stop (Central Street), verbal warning;
5:46 p.m.: MV stop (Central Street), traffic citation issued;
6:04 p.m.: neighbor dispute (Beech Street), spoken to;
6:08 p.m.: 911, accident (Baldwinville Road), removed to hospital;
7:21 p.m.: 911, abandoned 911 call (West Shore Drive), spoken to;
7:24 p.m.: parking violation (Central Street), parking ticket issued;
7:26 p.m.: disabled MV (Front Street @ School Street), spoken to;
9:20 p.m.: transport (Heywood Hospital), transport;
10:10 p.m.: dog bite (Cummings Road), report taken;
10:18 p.m.: suspicious vehicle (Polly's Drive), no police service necessary;
Christopher J. Melanson, age 43, 4 Melanson Dr., Winchendon MA, charged with OUI Liquor over .08%, negligent operation of motor vehicle.
12:01-1:20 a.m.: extra patrols, all secure;
12:21-2:07 a.m.: building checks, all secure;
10:42 a.m.: walk-in, assault (Hale Street), report taken;
10:53 a.m.: noise complaint (Beech Street), services rendered;
11:19 a.m.: info/general (Beech Street), spoken to;
11:39 a.m.: 911, ambulance needed (Lincoln Avenue), removed to hospital;
12:41 p.m.: summons service (Eli Drive), summons served;
1:27 p.m.: fire/mutual aid (Bridge Street), services rendered;
2:31 p.m.: walk-in, harassment (Alger Street), spoken to;
5:15 p.m.: investigation (Spruce Street), spoken to;
5:41 p.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), verbal warning;
6:58 p.m.: illegal dumping (Gardner Road), report taken;
7:58 p.m.: suspicious person (Central Street), spoken to;
8:57 p.m.: 911, accident (Central Street @ Railroad Street), report taken;
9:24 p.m.: 911, suicide threats (address not published), section 12;
12:25-1:53 a.m.: building checks, all secure;
12:57-1:27 a.m.: extra patrols, all secure;
12:59 a.m.: assist other police department (Central Street), assisted;
10:36 a.m.: walk-in, officer requested (Spruce Street), report taken;
11:33 a.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), verbal warning;
11:39 a.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), verbal warning;
11:58 a.m.: MV stop (Main Street), verbal warning;
12:13 p.m.: walk-in, sex offender registration (Walnut Street), assisted;
12:22 p.m.: parking violation (Front Street), spoken to;
12:26 p.m.: harassment (Spring Street), no police service necessary;
12:33 p.m.: walk-in, sex offender registration (Central Street), assisted;
1:24 p.m.: walk-in, VIN inspection (Spruce Street), assisted;
1:56 p.m.: walk-in, info/general (Spruce Street), no police service necessary;
2:11 p.m.: 911, ambulance needed (Harrisville Court), removed to hospital;
3:07 p.m.: fire department call/general (West Street), services rendered;
4:27 p.m.: walk-in, harassment (Front Street), report taken;
4:36 p.m.: illegal burn (Alger Street @ Main Street), services rendered;
4:59 p.m.: alarm, fire/automatic box alarm (Ready Drive), services rendered;
5:04 p.m.: walk-in, suspicious person (Central Street), services rendered;
5:32 p.m.: accident (Pond Street @ Central Street), report taken;
6:29 p.m.: walk-in, MV operating erratically (Front Street), spoken to;
7:07 p.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), written warning;
7:15 p.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), traffic citation issued;
7:33 p.m.: animal complaint (Maple Street), referred to ACO;
8:26 p.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), verbal warning;
8:36 p.m.: suspicious vehicle (Spring Street), services rendered;
8:42 p.m.: suspicious vehicle (Central Street), checked/secure;
9:08 p.m.: MV stop (Spring Street), written warning;
10:19-10:50 p.m.: extra patrols, all secure;
10:30 p.m.: MV stop (Spring Street), written warning;
12:02-1:39 a.m.: building checks, all secure;
12:04 a.m.: suspicious person (Walnut Street), no cause for complaint;
12:14 a.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), verbal warning;
12:18-12:47 a.m.: extra patrols, all secure;
12:42 a.m.: MV stop (Baldwinville State Road), verbal warning;
4:03 a.m.: suspicious person (Morse Avenue), unable to locate;
6:15 a.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), verbal warning;
6:23 a.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), written warning;
8:57 a.m.: walk-in, info/general (Colonial Lane), spoken to;
9:52 a.m.: walk-in, larceny (Pearl Street), report taken;
10:09 a.m.: noise complaint (Beech Street), spoken to;
10:19 a.m.: fraud (Webster Street) spoken to;
10:48 a.m.: MV stop (Maple Street), verbal warning;
11:02 a.m.: noise complaint (Beech Street), services rendered;
11:48 a.m.: walk-in, officer requested (Spring Street), spoken to;
12:00 p.m.: investigation (Beech Street), info taken;
12:25 p.m.: 911, ambulance needed (South Royalston Road), removed to hospital;
12:28 p.m.: investigation (Winter Street), no police service necessary;
1:45 p.m.: welfare/child check (address not published), assisted;
1:46 p.m.: info/general (Central Street), spoken to;
2:13 p.m.: harassment (Lincoln Avenue), report taken;
2:20 p.m.: officer requested (North Street), spoken to;
2:28 p.m.: harassment (Court Street), assisted;
2:58 p.m.: alarm, fire alarm (Ready Drive), referred to F.D.;
3:18 p.m.: 911 hang-up (Central Street), checked/secure;
3:45 p.m.: MV operating erratically (Teel Road), spoken to;
4:28 p.m.: welfare/child check (address not published), checked/secure;
5:47 p.m.: animal complaint (Spruce Street), referred to ACO;
7:11 p.m.: MV stop (Mill Glen Road), written warning;
8:18-11:53 p.m.: extra patrols, checked/secure;
9:04 p.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), traffic citation issued;
9:14 p.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), written warning;
11:42 p.m.: MV stop (Front Street), verbal warning;
11:48 p.m.: building check (Memorial Drive), checked/secure;
Derek Yatko, age 44, 11 Beech St. 2nd Fl., Winchendon, MA, charged with Disturbing the Peace.
12:02 a.m.: MV stop (Spring Street), written warning;
12:04-1:11 a.m.: building checks, all secure;
12:16-1:06 a.m.: extra patrols, all secure;
2:38 p.m.: walk-in, suspicious person (Front Street), unable to locate;
5:23 a.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), verbal warning;
5:42 a.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), written warning;
6:59 a.m.: 911, ambulance needed (Elmwood Road), removed to hospital;
7:22 a.m.: investigation (Walnut Street), report taken;
7:44 a.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), traffic citation issued;
9:05 a.m.: walk-in, assist citizen (Spruce Street), referred to court;
9:13 a.m.: animal complaint (Central Street), referred to ACO;
9:51 a.m.: officer requested (School Street), spoken to;
10:43 a.m.: walk-in, sex offender registration (Central Street), assisted;
11:46 a.m.: assist citizen (School Street), spoken to;
12:17 p.m.: suspicious vehicle (Fairbanks Street), spoken to;
12:21 p.m.: accident (Gardner Road), no police service necessary;
12:33 p.m.: info/general (Front Street), no police service necessary;
1:05 p.m.: suspicious vehicle (River Street), report taken;
2:47 p.m.: abandoned 911 call (Ready Drive), spoken to;
2:50 p.m.: neighbor dispute (Alger Street), report taken;
3:06 p.m.: suspicious vehicle (Central Street), spoken to;
3:30 p.m.: assist other agency (Elmwood Road), report taken;
3:51 p.m.: ambulance needed (Central Street), no fire service necessary;
4:00 p.m.: 911, MV operating erratically (Gardner Road), spoken to;
4:22 p.m.: animal complaint (Highland Street), report taken;
6:04 p.m.: officer requested (Grove Street), removed hazardous materials;
6:37 p.m.: assault (Pond Street), report taken;
7:09 p.m.: investigation (Glenallen Street), spoken to;
7:35 p.m.: ambulance needed (Teel Road), removed to hospital;
8:11 p.m.: officer requested (Central Street), no police service necessary;
8:25 p.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), written warning;
8:36 p.m.: MV stop (Gardner Road), traffic citation issued;
9:37-10:38 p.m.: extra patrols, all secure;
9:41 p.m.: MV stop (Central Street), verbal warning;