Clyde's Corner
It's Happening Around the Winch!
Girl Scout Cookie Booth 5:00-7:00 p.m. Support Winchendon Girl Scouts and stock up on delicious cookies! Today out in front of 113 Central St. (across the street from Athol Savings Bank), Winchendon.
Game On! Tween Board Game Club 3:30-4:30 p.m. Children ages 8-11 welcome! Hang out at the Beals Library and play from a choice of fun games. Competitive, strategic, team-building, humorous and more! Every other Monday at the Beals Memorial Library, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon. 978-297-0300. All visitors must wear masks inside the library building.
Preschool Playgroup 2:00-3:00 p.m. For families with children up to age 8. Join us for an afternoon of free play, a craft, story time, and music & movement. Masks required for anyone over 2 years old. Presented in collaboration with the Winchendon CFCE. For more information call the library at 978-297-0300 or email CFCE Coordinator Kristin Moran at At Beals Memorial Library, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon.
Our Neighbor's Kitchen Drive-Through Dinner 5:30 p.m. at UU Church of Winchendon. Our Neighbor's Kitchen goes take-out! Pick up a hearty meal to go, while practicing safe social distancing. This week's menu will be sausage 'n noodle skillet dinner with cabbage and onions in a sour-creamy sauce. Drive or walk on through the front circle to pick up your meal. Free-will donation $2 per person, $5 per family; no one turned away. 126 Central Street.
Planning for the End 10:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. End-of-life decisions can be stressful, but making clear plans can help reduce that stress. Join us for a workshop that will help you organize and prepare for end-of-life decisions for yourself or your loved ones. Different options for health care directives and after-death options, such as funeral homes and green burials, will be discussed. Presented by: Barbara Richardson and Brooke Coleman. Limited Space! Contact the library to register. At Beals Memorial Library auditorium, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon. 978-297-0300. All visitors must wear masks inside the library building.
Girl Scout Cookie Booth 1:00-4:00 p.m. Support Winchendon Girl Scouts and stock up on delicious cookies! Today out in front of The Homestead Market, 59 Gardner Rd. (Rte 140), Winchendon.
Marriage Workshop At the Chapel Downtown 6:30-8:30 p.m. learn how to grow a healthier marriage, improve communication and love your spouse well. Date night prizes, dessert included. Limited space, RSVP required. Email by March 5 to RSVP. At The Chapel Downtown, 286 Central St., Winchendon.
Fun & Games Club 3:30-4:30 p.m. Join in on the fun as the Library Auditorium becomes a kids' fun zone! There will be legos, games, puzzles, coloring, and more! Every other Monday at the Beals Memorial Library, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon. 978-297-0300. All visitors must wear masks inside the library building.
Beals FAM Club 3:30-5:00 p.m. Fandom, Anime and Manga Club for Teens. Make friends and enjoy fun discussions and activities centered on pop culture, entertainment, and all things geek! Every other Wednesday at the Beals Memorial Library, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon. 978-297-0300. All visitors must wear masks inside the library building.
Preschool Playgroup 2:00-3:00 p.m. For families with children up to age 8. Join us for an afternoon of free play, a craft, story time, and music & movement. Masks required for anyone over 2 years old. Presented in collaboration with the Winchendon CFCE. For more information call the library at 978-297-0300 or email CFCE Coordinator Kristin Moran at At Beals Memorial Library, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon.
Our Neighbor's Kitchen Dinner 5:30 p.m. at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. Served in the Parish Hall. This week the menu is TBA. Free-will donation $2 per person, $5 per family; no one turned away. 52 Spruce Street, Winchendon.
Doc & Talk at the Beals 6:00 p.m. The library will screen the documentary Summer of Soul, followed by a discussion. All movies are FREE and OPEN to the public. All movies are shown in the Library's Auditorium. Masks are required for all indoor library events. Beals Memorial Library, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon.
Family Movie Matinee at the Beals 11:00 a.m. The library will screen the movie Encanto. All movies are FREE and OPEN to the public. All movies are shown in the Library's Auditorium. Masks are required for all indoor library events. Beals Memorial Library, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon.
Game On! Tween Board Game Club 3:30-4:30 p.m. Children ages 8-11 welcome! Hang out at the Beals Library and play from a choice of fun games. Competitive, strategic, team-building, humorous and more! Every other Monday at the Beals Memorial Library, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon. 978-297-0300. All visitors must wear masks inside the library building.
Classic Movie Matinee at the Beals 1:30 p.m. The library will screen the movie musical Damn Yankees. All movies are FREE and OPEN to the public. All movies are shown in the Library's Auditorium. Masks are required for all indoor library events. Beals Memorial Library, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon.
Preschool Playgroup 2:00-3:00 p.m. For families with children up to age 8. Join us for an afternoon of free play, a craft, story time, and music & movement. Masks required for anyone over 2 years old. Presented in collaboration with the Winchendon CFCE. For more information call the library at 978-297-0300 or email CFCE Coordinator Kristin Moran at At Beals Memorial Library, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon.
Our Neighbor's Kitchen Drive-Through Dinner 5:30 p.m. at UU Church of Winchendon. Our Neighbor's Kitchen goes take-out! Pick up a hearty meal to go, while practicing safe social distancing. This week's menu will be chef's choice. Drive or walk on through the front circle to pick up your meal. Free-will donation $2 per person, $5 per family; no one turned away. 126 Central Street.
Our Neighbor's Kitchen Drive-Through Dinner 5:30 p.m. at UU Church of Winchendon. Our Neighbor's Kitchen goes take-out! Pick up a hearty meal to go, while practicing safe social distancing. This week's menu will be our popular "church chili" with fresh salad and dessert. Drive or walk on through the front circle to pick up your meal. Free-will donation $2 per person, $5 per family; no one turned away. 126 Central Street.
Dance and Fundraiser for Winchendon Lions Club 7:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Winchendon Lions Club and Athol Savings Bank. Featuring "Scott Brown and the Diplomats." Raffles and more. Tickets will be available soon at To Each His Own Design at 172 Central Street and at the American Legion and from any Lions club member. Tickets will also be available at the door until sold out. $15 each or $25 a couple. Proceeds of the event will benefit Lions Club charities. At the Winchendon American Legion Post 193, 295 School St.
Meet 'n Greet 11:00 a.m. at UU Church of Winchendon. Curious about our church? Haven’t been inside our lovely sanctuary? Interested in what we do around the community? Stop in today and meet some of the folks who are dedicated to making our community a better place. We’d love to meet YOU. We'll have light refreshments and plenty of smiles 126 Central Street.
Celebration of Lives Lost, Winchendon Edition 2:00 p.m. Musician Bob Jordan, in co-operation with the Murdock Senior Center of Winchendon presents a musical memorial tribute to those who have passed away since February 2020 and whose families and loved ones have not been able to adequately commemorate their passing. Rain date: May 15. At G.A.R. Park, Spruce St., Winchendon.
Beals Con 11:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. We want to bring Winchendon and the neighboring communities together and offer a family friendly space for our communities’ passion and love for geek culture through a mini comic convention. There will be guests, vendors, games, costumes, crafts, food, and fun for people of all ages. Join the Facebook Group for updates! At Beals Memorial Library, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon.
Regular ongoing activities will be added as they resume.
Old Murdock Senior Center 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. A representative from Integrity Medicare Advisors will be at the Center to answer your insurance questions. Please call the Center at 978-297-3155 to make an appointment. 52 Murdock Ave., Winchendon.
Old Murdock Senior Center 9:30 a.m. Chair Exercise/Yoga. Please call the Center at 978-297-3155 with any questions. 52 Murdock Ave., Winchendon.
Old Murdock Senior Center 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Yoga with Sue. Indoors/Outdoors as weather permits. $3 per class. Please call the Center at 978-297-3155 with any questions. 52 Murdock Ave., Winchendon.
AA Meeting 7:45 p.m. Open meeting, all are welcome. UU Church of Winchendon, 126 Central Street.
Old Murdock Senior Center 9:30 a.m. Chair Exercise/Yoga. Please call the Center at 978-297-3155 with any questions. 52 Murdock Ave., Winchendon.
Old Murdock Senior Center 9:30 a.m. Wii bowling, Pool/Card Games/Shuffleboard. Come join us for Wii bowling, or play a game of pool or shuffleboard upstairs. 52 Murdock Ave., Winchendon. 978-297-3155.
Old Murdock Senior Center 12:30-2:30 p.m. BINGO! $1.00 cover charge. Please bring your own snack and drink. 52 Murdock Ave., Winchendon. 978-297-3155.
Trivia Night at Zoe's 8:00 p.m. Ryan Murphy hosts Trivia Night at Zoe's Restaurant, 435 Spring St., Winchendon. No entry fee, gather your friends and create a team or come anyway and we'll match you up (some people challenge us all by themselves!).
Old Murdock Senior Center 9:30 a.m. Wii bowling, Pool/Card Games/Shuffleboard. Come join us for Wii bowling, or play a game of pool or shuffleboard upstairs. 52 Murdock Ave., Winchendon. 978-297-3155.
Old Murdock Senior Center 12:15 p.m. Card games. Do you play cribbage? Spades? Bridge? Canasta? Pinochle? Pitch? Perhaps you know how but do not have someone to "play with." We are looking for more card players to join us on Thursday afternoon just after lunch in the dining room. 52 Murdock Ave., Winchendon. 978-297-3155.
UPDATED: Youth and Family Changemakers Afterschool Program 2:45-4:30 p.m. A free program for kids and families grades K-5. Weekly games, crafts, teambuilding and community service projects. Parent/Caregiver & volunteers welcome. Registration required. Contact 978-616-7065 or Snacks and materials provided. At Toy Town Elementary School, 175 Grove St., Winchendon. Organized by HEAL Winchendon.
Celebrate Recovery: A Christ-Centered Recovery Program 6:30-8:30 p.m. Freedom from your hurts, hang-ups and habits. For more information contact or call 978-297-1493. At The Chapel Downtown, 286 Central St., Winchendon.
Old Murdock Senior Center 10:00 a.m. Senior Walking Group. Wear your comfy strolling shoes and take a walk with us! Please call the Center at 978-297-3155 with any questions. 52 Murdock Ave., Winchendon.