Clyde's Corner
It's Happening Around the Winch!
Festival of Lights Holiday Craft Fair & Bake Sale 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. At the Old Murdock Senior Center. Come for the sweets, leave with some treats! Sponsored by the Winchendon Recreation Department, 978-297-5410.
Festival of Lights Table Setting Display 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. At the Old Centre Church. Come view elegant holiday displays of vintage china and place settings. Sponsored by the Winchendon Recreation Department, 978-297-5410.
Festival of Lights Tree Lighting 5:00-7:00 p.m. At the G.A.R. Park, Grove Street and Murdock Avenue, Winchendon. Sponsored by the Winchendon Recreation Department, 978-297-5410.
Skillshare: Ornament Making 3:30-4:30 p.m. With Marybeth Hayward. Free and open to all ages, kids welcome. Registration required, register here: At the Winchendon CAC, 273 Central St.
Our Neighbor's Kitchen Dinner 5:30 p.m. at UU Church of Winchendon. Dinner will be served in the Parish Hall. This week's menu celebrates Hanukkah - The Festival of Lights with roast chicken, vegetable, latkes (potato pancakes) and noodle kugel. Free-will donation $2 per person, $5 per family; no one turned away. 126 Central Street. (NO drive-through service; take-out service will begin after all seated diners are served.)
Winchendon Farmer's Market Holiday Fair 2022 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Local vendors and crafters. 8' vendor space with 6' table provided is $10. Contact for more information or download an application at At Ipswich Drive community housing, Winchendon.
2022 Holiday House Tour 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Come enjoy the multiple well decorated homes around town. Start at the Murdock Whitney, and make a day of touring these beautiful buildings! Sponsored by and beginning at the Winchendon History and Cultural Center, 151 Front St.
Holly Bazaar at United Parish 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Come join us downstairs for our Raffle Table, Bake Sale, Gingerbread House Making and Coloring Contest.At United Parish, 30 Front St., Winchendon.
Spirit of Christmas at United Parish 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Come see our family Nativity scenes on display in our Sanctuary. Part of the Holiday House Tour. At United Parish, 30 Front St., Winchendon.
Holiday Bazaar 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Two floors of local crafters and vendors, plus the holiday cookie sale. At UU Church of Winchendon, 126 Central St.
Holiday Brass Concert 4:00 p.m. at UU Church of Winchendon. Enjoy classical and holiday favorites performed by the Harrisville Brass Quintet, featuring members of Winchendon Winds. Free admission, donations welcome. 126 Central Street.
Our Neighbor's Kitchen Dinner 5:15 p.m. at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. Served in the Parish Hall. This week the menu is parishioners' potluck. Free-will donation $2 per person, $5 per family; no one turned away. 52 Spruce Street, Winchendon.
Christmas Cantata and Children's Christmas Party 10:00 a.m. Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. At United Parish, 30 Front St., Winchendon.
Our Neighbor's Kitchen Dinner 5:30 p.m. at UU Church of Winchendon. Dinner will be served in the Parish Hall. This week's menu celebrates Christmas with a special holiday dinner. Free-will donation $2 per person, $5 per family; no one turned away. 126 Central Street. (NO drive-through service; take-out service will begin after all seated diners are served.)
Christmas Eve Services
Saturday, December 24
Immaculate Heart of Mary, 52 Spruce St., Winchendon
Christmas Eve Mass 4:00 p.m.
Christmas Day Mass December 25, 10:00 a.m.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Winchendon, 126 Central St., Winchendon
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 7:00 p.m.
United Parish, 30 Front Street, Winchendon
Children's Service 5:00 p.m.
Living Nativity on the Clark Memorial Steps 6:30 p.m.
Candlelight Service 10:00 p.m.
Our Neighbor's Kitchen Dinner 5:30 p.m. at UU Church of Winchendon. Dinner will be served in the Parish Hall. This week's menu celebrates Kwanzaa with African-American specialties. Free-will donation $2 per person, $5 per family; no one turned away. 126 Central Street. (NO drive-through service; take-out service will begin after all seated diners are served.)
Town Wide Easter Egg Hunt 11:00 a.m. Join us for the annual Town Easter Egg Hunt. Games, prizes and visits with the Easter Bunny! Don't miss it. This year more eggs than ever! There will be a rain date of April 2nd. Ages 0-12 are welcome to participate. Sponsored by the Winchendon Recreation Department. At Winchendon Community Park, Ingleside Dr.
One Book, One Community Author Visit Time TBA. Jarrett J. Krosoczka, author of the One Book, One Community Town-Wide Read selection Hey, Kiddo, will give a talk and book signing at Murdock Middle High School Auditorium as the culminating event of the Town-Wide Read. Sponsored by Beals Memorial Library. At Murdock Middle High School, 3 Memorial Dr., Winchendon.
Grand Opening Times TBA The Robinson Broadhurst Foundation Performing Arts Amphitheater will hold a Grand Opening Celebration at the Winchendon Community Park. Live music, entertainment, food, free parking. For more information, call 978-297-5410., At the Winchendon Community Park, Ingleside Drive off Maple St.
FRIDAY JUNE 23, 2023
Second Annual Food Truck Festival 4:00 - 9:00 p.m. Food trucks galore, battle of the bands and plenty of drinks. Be there or be square. At GAR Park, Murdock Ave. & Grove St., Winchendon. Sponsored by the Winchendon Recreation Commission.
Winchendon Fall Fest 2023 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Join us for the 7th annual Winchendon Fall Fest! On Central Street, Winchendon.
Friends Book Sale The Friends of the Library Book Sale has been suspended until the library's infrastructure project is complete. The space is being repurposed for the provision of basic library services while building upgrades are undertaken. The Book Sale will return when the project is complete. Unfortunately, donations cannot be accepted at this time. As always, the Friends appreciate our generous donors and patrons. They help us to to support a wide array of library programming and activities.
AA Meeting 7:45 p.m. Open meeting, all are welcome. UU Church of Winchendon, 126 Central Street.
Love'n Local Farm Stand 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The CAC Farm Stand accepts SNAP/HIP, debit and credit cards for fresh produce. Inside the Winchendon CAC, 273 Central St.
Love'n Local Farm Stand 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The CAC Farm Stand accepts SNAP/HIP, debit and credit cards for fresh produce. Inside the Winchendon CAC, 273 Central St.
Old Murdock Senior Center 12:30-2:30 p.m. BINGO! $1.00 cover charge. Please bring your own snack and drink. 52 Murdock Ave., Winchendon. 978-297-3155.
Meet-Up With the Kiwanis 6:30 p.m. 2ND AND 4TH WEDNESDAYS EACH MONTH. All are welcome! Come join in community projects, make new friends, make your community better, have some fun! Younger folks welcome. For more information, call Cailte Kelly, 978-413-9930. Hosted by Kiwanis of Winchendon MA. At the Clark Memorial YMCA Community Room (in new gymnastics building down by the bike path), 155 Central St., Winchendon.
Love'n Local Farm Stand 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. The CAC Farm Stand accepts SNAP/HIP, debit and credit cards for fresh produce. Inside the Winchendon CAC, 273 Central St.
Preschool Playgroup 2:00-3:00 p.m. For families with children up to age 8. Join us for an afternoon of free play, a craft, story time, and music & movement. Masks required for anyone over 2 years old. Presented in collaboration with the Winchendon CFCE. For more information call the library at 978-297-0300 or email CFCE Coordinator Kristin Moran at At Beals Memorial Library, 50 Pleasant St., Winchendon.
Love'n Local Farm Stand 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. The CAC Farm Stand accepts SNAP/HIP, debit and credit cards for fresh produce. Inside the Winchendon CAC, 273 Central St.